
Regex Test Suite

All of the regex exampes are self-testing and together make up the regex test suite run during development and over each release of the test suite. But here we have the unit an small-check tests used to systematically probe the library for weak points and guard against regressions.

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving         #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans       #-}

module Main (main) where

import           Control.Exception
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Array
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8          as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8     as LBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.UTF8      as LBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8           as B
import           Data.Char
import qualified Data.Foldable                  as F
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict            as HM
import           Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Monoid                    as M
import qualified Data.Sequence                  as S
import           Data.String
import qualified Data.Text                      as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy                 as LT
import           Data.Typeable
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import           Prelude.Compat
import           System.Directory
import           System.FilePath
import qualified System.Info                    as SI
import           Test.SmallCheck.Series
import           Test.Tasty
import           Test.Tasty.HUnit
import           Test.Tasty.SmallCheck          as SC
import           TestKit
import           Text.Heredoc
import qualified Text.RE.PCRE                   as PCRE
import qualified Text.RE.PCRE.ByteString        as P_BS
import qualified Text.RE.PCRE.ByteString.Lazy   as PLBS
import qualified Text.RE.PCRE.Sequence          as P_SQ
import qualified Text.RE.PCRE.String            as P_ST
import qualified Text.RE.PCRE.Text              as P_TX
import qualified Text.RE.PCRE.Text.Lazy         as PLTX
import           Text.RE.REOptions
import           Text.RE.Replace
import           Text.RE.TDFA                   as TDFA
import qualified Text.RE.TDFA.ByteString        as T_BS
import qualified Text.RE.TDFA.ByteString.Lazy   as TLBS
import qualified Text.RE.TDFA.Sequence          as T_SQ
import qualified Text.RE.TDFA.String            as T_ST
import qualified Text.RE.TDFA.Text              as T_TX
import qualified Text.RE.TDFA.Text.Lazy         as TLTX
import           Text.RE.TestBench
import           Text.RE.Tools.Find
import           Text.RE.Tools.Sed
import           Text.RE.ZeInternals
import qualified Text.Regex.PCRE                as PCRE_
import qualified Text.Regex.TDFA                as TDFA_
main :: IO ()
main = do
  print SI.os
  defaultMain $
    testGroup "Tests"
      [ prelude_tests
      , compiling_tests
      , core_tests
      , replace_methods_tests
      , search_replace_tests
      , options_tests
      , named_capture_tests
      , many_tests
      , escape_tests
      , add_capture_names_tests
      , find_tests
      , backslash_tests
      , misc_tests
-- | check that our self-testing macro environments are good
prelude_tests :: TestTree
prelude_tests = testGroup "Prelude"
  [ tc TDFA.regexType TDFA.preludeEnv
  , tc PCRE.regexType PCRE.preludeEnv
    tc rty m_env =
      testCase (show rty) $ do
        is_docs <- doesDirectoryExist "docs"
        when is_docs $
          dumpMacroTable (fp "docs" ".txt") (fp "docs" "-src.txt") rty m_env
        dumpMacroTable   (fp "data" ".txt") (fp "data" "-src.txt") rty m_env
        assertBool "testMacroEnv" =<< testMacroEnv "prelude" rty m_env
        fp dir sfx = dir </> (rty_s ++ "-macros" ++ sfx)

        rty_s      = map toLower $ presentRegexType rty

Core Match/Replace Tests

test vectors

The core tests rely on these simple test vectors.

-- | our standard test strings
str_, str' :: String
str_      = "a bbbb aa b"
str'      = "foo"

-- | standard test REs
regex_, regex_alt :: RE
regex_    = [re|(a+) (b+)|]
regex_alt = [re|(a+)|(b+)|]

-- | golden matches result 1
regex_str_matches :: Matches String
regex_str_matches =
    { matchesSource = str_
    , allMatches =
        [ regex_str_match
        , regex_str_match_2

-- | golden match result 1
regex_str_match :: Match String
regex_str_match =
    { matchSource   = str_
    , captureNames  = noCaptureNames
    , matchArray    = array (0,2)
        [ (0,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "a bbbb", captureOffset = 0, captureLength = 6})
        , (1,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "a"     , captureOffset = 0, captureLength = 1})
        , (2,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "bbbb"  , captureOffset = 2, captureLength = 4})

-- | golden match result 2
regex_str_match_2 :: Match String
regex_str_match_2 =
    { matchSource   = str_
    , captureNames  = noCaptureNames
    , matchArray    = array (0,2)
        [ (0,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "aa b", captureOffset = 7 , captureLength = 4})
        , (1,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "aa"  , captureOffset = 7 , captureLength = 2})
        , (2,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "b"   , captureOffset = 10, captureLength = 1})

-- | golden match result 2
regex_alt_str_matches :: Matches String
regex_alt_str_matches =
    { matchesSource = str_
    , allMatches    =
        [ Match
            { matchSource   = str_
            , captureNames  = noCaptureNames
            , matchArray    = array (0,2)
                [ (0,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "a", captureOffset = 0, captureLength = 1})
                , (1,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "a", captureOffset = 0, captureLength = 1})
                , (2,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "", captureOffset = -1, captureLength = 0})
        , Match
            { matchSource   = str_
            , captureNames  = noCaptureNames
            , matchArray    = array (0,2)
                [ (0,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "bbbb", captureOffset = 2 , captureLength = 4})
                , (1,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = ""    , captureOffset = -1, captureLength = 0})
                , (2,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "bbbb", captureOffset = 2 , captureLength = 4})
        , Match
            { matchSource   = str_
            , captureNames  = noCaptureNames
            , matchArray    = array (0,2)
                [ (0,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "aa", captureOffset = 7 , captureLength = 2})
                , (1,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "aa", captureOffset = 7 , captureLength = 2})
                , (2,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = ""  , captureOffset = -1, captureLength = 0})
        , Match
            { matchSource   = str_
            , captureNames  = noCaptureNames
            , matchArray    = array (0,2)
                [ (0,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "b", captureOffset = 10, captureLength = 1})
                , (1,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "" , captureOffset = -1, captureLength = 0})
                , (2,Capture {captureSource = str_, capturedText = "b", captureOffset = 10, captureLength = 1})

testing the compileRegex functions

compiling_tests :: TestTree
compiling_tests = testGroup "Compiling"
  [ testCase "complete check (matchM/ByteString)" $ do
      r <- TDFA.compileRegex $ reSource regex_
      assertEqual "Match" (B.pack <$> regex_str_match) $ B.pack str_ ?=~ r
  , testCase "matched (matchM/Text)" $ do
      r <- TDFA.compileRegex $ reSource regex_
      assertBool "matched" $ matched $ T.pack str_ ?=~ r
  , tc "TDFA.String"  TDFA.compileRegex
  , tc "TDFA.B"     $ TDFA.compileRegex . B.unpack
  , tc "TDFA.LBS"   $ TDFA.compileRegex . LBS.unpack
  , tc "TDFA.T"     $ TDFA.compileRegex . T.unpack
  , tc "TDFA.LT"    $ TDFA.compileRegex . LT.unpack
  , tc "TDFA.S"     $ TDFA.compileRegex . s_toList
  , tc "PCRE.String"  PCRE.compileRegex
  , tc "PCRE.B"     $ PCRE.compileRegex . B.unpack
  , tc "PCRE.LBS"   $ PCRE.compileRegex . LBS.unpack
  , tc "PCRE.S"     $ PCRE.compileRegex . s_toList
    tc :: IsRegex re s => String -> (s->IO re) -> TestTree
    tc lab mk0 = testGroup lab
        [ testCase "loop" $ do
            r <- mk re_s
            assertEqual "RE" re_s $ regexSource r
        , testCase "Match" $ do
            r <- mk' re_s
            assertEqual "Match"  (pk <$> regex_str_match) $ matchOnce r $ pk str_
        , testCase "Escape" $ do
            r <- esc $ pk "foobar"
            assertEqual "String" (pk "bar") $ matchSource $ matchOnce r $ pk "bar"
        mk   = makeRegex              `asTypeOf` mk0

        mk'  = makeRegexWith minBound `asTypeOf` mk0

        esc  = makeEscaped id         `asTypeOf` mk0

        re_s = pk $ reSource regex_

        pk   = mk_pk mk0

        mk_pk :: Replace s' => (s'->IO re') -> String -> s'
        mk_pk _ = packR

core tests

core_tests :: TestTree
core_tests = testGroup "Match"
  [ testCase "text (=~~Text.Lazy)" $ do
      txt <- LT.pack str_ =~~ [re|(a+) (b+)|] :: IO (LT.Text)
      assertEqual "text" txt "a bbbb"
  , testCase "multi (=~~/String)" $ do
      let sm = str_ =~ regex_ :: Match String
          m  = capture [cp|0|] sm
      assertEqual "captureSource" "a bbbb aa b" $ captureSource m
      assertEqual "capturedText"  "a bbbb"      $ capturedText  m
      assertEqual "capturePrefix" ""            $ capturePrefix m
      assertEqual "captureSuffix" " aa b"       $ captureSuffix m
  , testCase "complete (=~~/ByteString)" $ do
      mtch <- B.pack str_ =~~ regex_ :: IO (Match B.ByteString)
      assertEqual "Match" mtch $ B.pack <$> regex_str_match
  , testCase "complete (all,String)" $ do
      let mtchs = str_ =~ regex_     :: Matches String
      assertEqual "Matches" mtchs regex_str_matches
  , testCase "complete (all,reg_alt)" $ do
      let mtchs = str_ =~ regex_alt  :: Matches String
      assertEqual "Matches" mtchs regex_alt_str_matches
  , testCase "complete (=~~,all)" $ do
      mtchs <- str_ =~~ regex_       :: IO (Matches String)
      assertEqual "Matches" mtchs regex_str_matches
  , testCase "fail (all)" $ do
      let mtchs = str' =~ regex_    :: Matches String
      assertEqual "not.anyMatches" False $ anyMatches mtchs

testing the replace functions at different types

replace_methods_tests :: TestTree
replace_methods_tests = testGroup "Replace"
  [ testCase "String/single" $ do
      let m = str_ =~ regex_ :: Match String
          r = replaceCaptures ALL fmt m
      assertEqual "replaceCaptures" r "(0:0:(0:1:a) (0:2:bbbb)) aa b"
  , testCase "String/alt" $ do
      let ms = str_ =~ regex_ :: Matches String
          r  = replaceAllCaptures ALL fmt ms
      chk r
  , testCase "String" $ do
      let ms = str_ =~ regex_ :: Matches String
          r  = replaceAllCaptures ALL fmt ms
      chk r
  , testCase "ByteString" $ do
      let ms = B.pack str_ =~ regex_ :: Matches B.ByteString
          r  = replaceAllCaptures ALL fmt ms
      chk r
  , testCase "LBS.ByteString" $ do
      let ms = LBS.pack str_ =~ regex_ :: Matches LBS.ByteString
          r  = replaceAllCaptures ALL fmt ms
      chk r
  , testCase "Seq Char" $ do
      let ms = S.fromList str_ =~ regex_ :: Matches (S.Seq Char)
          f  = \_ (RELocation i j) Capture{..} -> Just $ S.fromList $
                  "(" M.<> show i M.<> ":" M.<> show_co j M.<> ":" M.<>
                    F.toList capturedText M.<> ")"
          r  = replaceAllCaptures ALL f ms
      assertEqual "replaceAllCaptures" r $
        S.fromList "(0:0:(0:1:a) (0:2:bbbb)) (1:0:(1:1:aa) (1:2:b))"
  , testCase "Text" $ do
      let ms = T.pack str_ =~ regex_ :: Matches T.Text
          r  = replaceAllCaptures ALL fmt ms
      chk r
  , testCase "LT.Text" $ do
      let ms = LT.pack str_ =~ regex_ :: Matches LT.Text
          r  = replaceAllCaptures ALL fmt ms
      chk r
    chk r =
        "(0:0:(0:1:a) (0:2:bbbb)) (1:0:(1:1:aa) (1:2:b))"

    fmt :: (IsString s,Replace s) => a -> RELocation -> Capture s -> Maybe s
    fmt _ (RELocation i j) Capture{..} = Just $ "(" M.<> packR (show i) M.<> ":" M.<>
      packR (show_co j) M.<> ":" M.<> capturedText M.<> ")"

    show_co (CaptureOrdinal j) = show j


search_replace_tests :: TestTree
search_replace_tests = testGroup "SearchReplace" $
    [ testCase "?=~/ [ed_| ... |]" $ "baz bar foobar" @=? "foo bar foobar" T_ST.?=~/ [ed_|foo///baz|] ()
    , testCase "*=~/ [ed_| ... |]" $ "baz bar bazbar" @=? "foo bar foobar" T_ST.*=~/ [ed_|foo///baz|] MultilineSensitive
    , testCase "TDFA.ed/String" $ test_ id         tdfa_eds
    , testCase "PCRE.ed/String" $ test_ id         pcre_eds
    , testCase "TDFA.ed/B"      $ test_ B.pack     tdfa_eds
    , testCase "PCRE.ed/B"      $ test_ B.pack     pcre_eds
    , testCase "TDFA.ed/LBS"    $ test_ LBS.pack   tdfa_eds
    , testCase "PCRE.ed/LBS"    $ test_ LBS.pack   pcre_eds
    , testCase "TDFA.ed/S"      $ test_ S.fromList tdfa_eds
    , testCase "PCRE.ed/S"      $ test_ S.fromList pcre_eds
    , testCase "TDFA.ed/T"      $ test_ T.pack     tdfa_eds
    , testCase "TDFA.ed/LT"     $ test_ LT.pack    tdfa_eds
    , testCase "TDFA.ed/T(d)"   $ test_ T.pack     tdfa_eds'
    , testCase "PCRE.ed/LBS(d)" $ test_ LBS.pack   pcre_eds'
    , testg "TDFA.op"        (T_ST.?=~/) (T_ST.*=~/) tdfa_sr
    , testg "PCRE.op"        (P_ST.?=~/) (P_ST.*=~/) pcre_sr
    , testg "TDFA.op/String" (T_ST.?=~/) (T_ST.*=~/) tdfa_sr_str
    , testg "PCRE.op/String" (P_ST.?=~/) (P_ST.*=~/) pcre_sr_str
    , testg "TDFA.op/B"      (T_BS.?=~/) (T_BS.*=~/) tdfa_sr_b
    , testg "PCRE.op/B"      (P_BS.?=~/) (P_BS.*=~/) pcre_sr_b
    , testg "TDFA.op/LBS"    (TLBS.?=~/) (TLBS.*=~/) tdfa_sr_lbs
    , testg "PCRE.op/LBS"    (PLBS.?=~/) (PLBS.*=~/) pcre_sr_lbs
    , testg "TDFA.op/T"      (T_TX.?=~/) (T_TX.*=~/) tdfa_sr_t
    , testg "PCRE.op/T"      (P_TX.?=~/) (P_TX.*=~/) pcre_sr_t
    , testg "TDFA.op/LT"     (TLTX.?=~/) (TLTX.*=~/) tdfa_sr_lt
    , testg "PCRE.op/LT"     (PLTX.?=~/) (PLTX.*=~/) pcre_sr_lt
    , testG "TDFA.op/S"      (T_SQ.?=~/) (T_SQ.*=~/) tdfa_sr_s
    , testG "PCRE.op/S"      (P_SQ.?=~/) (P_SQ.*=~/) pcre_sr_s
    , testu "TDFA.U/String" id              (T_ST.*=~/) [T_ST.ed|scientist///boffin|] (T_ST.*=~) [T_ST.re|λ-|]
    , testu "TDFA.U/B"      B.fromString    (T_BS.*=~/) [T_BS.ed|scientist///boffin|] (T_BS.*=~) [T_BS.re|burble|]
    , testu "TDFA.U/LBS"    LBS.fromString  (TLBS.*=~/) [TLBS.ed|scientist///boffin|] (TLBS.*=~) [TLBS.re|burble|]
    , testu "TDFA.U/T"      T.pack          (T_TX.*=~/) [T_TX.ed|scientist///boffin|] (T_TX.*=~) [T_TX.re|λ-|]
    , testu "TDFA.U/LT"     LT.pack         (TLTX.*=~/) [TLTX.ed|scientist///boffin|] (TLTX.*=~) [TLTX.re|λ-|]
    , testu "TDFA.U/S"      S.fromList      (T_SQ.*=~/) [T_SQ.ed|scientist///boffin|] (T_SQ.*=~) [T_SQ.re|λ-|]
    ] ++ not_win32_for_now
    [ testu "PCRE.U/String" id              (P_ST.*=~/) [P_ST.ed|scientist///boffin|] (P_ST.*=~) [P_ST.re|λ-|]
    , testu "PCRE.U/B"      B.fromString    (P_BS.*=~/) [P_BS.ed|scientist///boffin|] (P_BS.*=~) [P_BS.re|λ-|]
    , testu "PCRE.U/LBS"    LBS.fromString  (PLBS.*=~/) [PLBS.ed|scientist///boffin|] (PLBS.*=~) [PLBS.re|λ-|]
    , testu "PCRE.U/T"      T.pack          (P_TX.*=~/) [P_TX.ed|scientist///boffin|] (P_TX.*=~) [P_TX.re|λ-|]
    , testu "PCRE.U/LT"     LT.pack         (PLTX.*=~/) [PLTX.ed|scientist///boffin|] (PLTX.*=~) [PLTX.re|λ-|]
    , testu "PCRE.U/S"      S.fromList      (P_SQ.*=~/) [P_SQ.ed|scientist///boffin|] (P_SQ.*=~) [P_SQ.re|burble|]
    not_win32_for_now :: [a] -> [a]
    not_win32_for_now = case SI.os == "mingw32" of
      True  -> const []
      False -> id

    test_ :: IsRegex re a => (String->a) -> Edits Identity re a -> Assertion
    test_ inj eds =  inj rsm @=? runIdentity (sed' eds $ inj inp)

    testg lab op1 opm sr = testGroup lab
      [ testCase "?=~/" $ rs1 @=? inp `op1` sr
      , testCase "*=~/" $ rsm @=? inp `opm` sr

    testG lab op1 opm sr = testGroup lab
      [ testCase "?=~/" $ S.fromList rs1 @=? S.fromList inp `op1` sr
      , testCase "*=~/" $ S.fromList rsm @=? S.fromList inp `opm` sr

    testu lab inj op sr qop rex = testGroup lab
      [ testCase "*=~/" $ inj unr @=? inj uni `op` sr
      , testCase "*=~"  $ 1       @=? countMatches (inj uni `qop` rex)

    inp, rs1, rsm :: IsString a => a
    inp = "16/03/2017 01/01/2000\n"
    rs1 = "2017-03-16 01/01/2000\n"
    rsm = "2017-03-16 2000-01-01\n"

    uni, unr :: String
    uni = "\x2070E-\8364-\955-scientist-burble"
    unr = "\x2070E-\8364-\955-boffin-burble"

    tdfa_eds    :: IsRegex TDFA.RE a => Edits Identity TDFA.RE a
    tdfa_eds    = Select [Template tdfa_sr]

    pcre_eds    :: IsRegex PCRE.RE a => Edits Identity PCRE.RE a
    pcre_eds    = Select [Template pcre_sr]

    tdfa_sr     :: IsRegex TDFA.RE a => SearchReplace TDFA.RE a
    tdfa_sr     = [TDFA.ed|${d}([0-9]{2})/${m}([0-9]{2})/${y}([0-9]{4})///${y}-${m}-${d}|]

    pcre_sr     :: IsRegex PCRE.RE a => SearchReplace PCRE.RE a
    pcre_sr     = [PCRE.ed|${d}([0-9]{2})/${m}([0-9]{2})/${y}([0-9]{4})///${y}-${m}-${d}|]

    tdfa_sr_str :: SearchReplace TDFA.RE String
    tdfa_sr_str = [T_ST.ed|${d}([0-9]{2})/${m}([0-9]{2})/${y}([0-9]{4})///${y}-${m}-${d}|]

    pcre_sr_str :: SearchReplace PCRE.RE String
    pcre_sr_str = [P_ST.ed|${d}([0-9]{2})/${m}([0-9]{2})/${y}([0-9]{4})///${y}-${m}-${d}|]

    tdfa_sr_b   :: SearchReplace TDFA.RE B.ByteString
    tdfa_sr_b   = [T_BS.ed|${d}([0-9]{2})/${m}([0-9]{2})/${y}([0-9]{4})///${y}-${m}-${d}|]

    pcre_sr_b   :: SearchReplace PCRE.RE B.ByteString
    pcre_sr_b   = [P_BS.ed|${d}([0-9]{2})/${m}([0-9]{2})/${y}([0-9]{4})///${y}-${m}-${d}|]

    tdfa_sr_lbs :: SearchReplace TDFA.RE LBS.ByteString
    tdfa_sr_lbs = [TLBS.ed|${d}([0-9]{2})/${m}([0-9]{2})/${y}([0-9]{4})///${y}-${m}-${d}|]

    pcre_sr_lbs :: SearchReplace PCRE.RE LBS.ByteString
    pcre_sr_lbs = [PLBS.ed|${d}([0-9]{2})/${m}([0-9]{2})/${y}([0-9]{4})///${y}-${m}-${d}|]

    tdfa_sr_t   :: SearchReplace TDFA.RE T.Text
    tdfa_sr_t   = [T_TX.ed|${d}([0-9]{2})/${m}([0-9]{2})/${y}([0-9]{4})///${y}-${m}-${d}|]

    pcre_sr_t   :: SearchReplace PCRE.RE T.Text
    pcre_sr_t   = [P_TX.ed|${d}([0-9]{2})/${m}([0-9]{2})/${y}([0-9]{4})///${y}-${m}-${d}|]

    tdfa_sr_lt  :: SearchReplace TDFA.RE LT.Text
    tdfa_sr_lt  = [TLTX.ed|${d}([0-9]{2})/${m}([0-9]{2})/${y}([0-9]{4})///${y}-${m}-${d}|]

    pcre_sr_lt  :: SearchReplace PCRE.RE LT.Text
    pcre_sr_lt  = [PLTX.ed|${d}([0-9]{2})/${m}([0-9]{2})/${y}([0-9]{4})///${y}-${m}-${d}|]

    tdfa_sr_s   :: SearchReplace TDFA.RE (S.Seq Char)
    tdfa_sr_s   = [T_SQ.ed|${d}([0-9]{2})/${m}([0-9]{2})/${y}([0-9]{4})///${y}-${m}-${d}|]

    pcre_sr_s   :: SearchReplace PCRE.RE (S.Seq Char)
    pcre_sr_s   = [P_SQ.ed|${d}([0-9]{2})/${m}([0-9]{2})/${y}([0-9]{4})///${y}-${m}-${d}|]

    tdfa_eds'   :: IsRegex TDFA.RE a => Edits Identity TDFA.RE a
    tdfa_eds'   = Select [Template $ tdfa_csr "${d}([0-9]{2})/${m}([0-9]{2})/${y}([0-9]{4})" "${y}-${m}-${d}"]

    pcre_eds'   :: IsRegex PCRE.RE a => Edits Identity PCRE.RE a
    pcre_eds'   = Select [Template $ pcre_csr "${d}([0-9]{2})/${m}([0-9]{2})/${y}([0-9]{4})" "${y}-${m}-${d}"]

    tdfa_csr    :: IsRegex TDFA.RE s
                => String
                -> String
                -> SearchReplace TDFA.RE s
    tdfa_csr re_s = maybe (error "eek") id . TDFA.compileSearchReplace re_s

    pcre_csr    :: IsRegex PCRE.RE s
                => String
                -> String
                -> SearchReplace PCRE.RE s
    pcre_csr re_s = maybe (error "eek") id . PCRE.compileSearchReplace re_s

Testing The REOptions

options_tests :: TestTree
options_tests = testGroup "Simple REOptions"
  [ testGroup "TDFA Simple REOptions"
      [ testCase "default (MultilineSensitive)" $ assertEqual "#" 2 $
          countMatches $ s TDFA.*=~ [TDFA.re|[0-9a-f]{2}$|]
      , testCase "MultilineSensitive" $ assertEqual "#" 2 $
          countMatches $ s TDFA.*=~ [TDFA.reMultilineSensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|]
      , testCase "MultilineInsensitive" $ assertEqual "#" 4 $
          countMatches $ s TDFA.*=~ [TDFA.reMultilineInsensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|]
      , testCase "BlockSensitive" $ assertEqual "#" 0 $
          countMatches $ s TDFA.*=~ [TDFA.reBlockSensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|]
      , testCase "BlockInsensitive" $ assertEqual "#" 1 $
          countMatches $ s TDFA.*=~ [TDFA.reBlockInsensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|]
  , testGroup "PCRE Simple REOptions"
      [ testCase "default (MultilineSensitive)" $ assertEqual "#" 2 $
          countMatches $ s PCRE.*=~ [PCRE.re|[0-9a-f]{2}$|]
      , testCase "MultilineSensitive" $ assertEqual "#" 2 $
          countMatches $ s PCRE.*=~ [PCRE.reMultilineSensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|]
      , testCase "MultilineInsensitive" $ assertEqual "#" 4 $
          countMatches $ s PCRE.*=~ [PCRE.reMultilineInsensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|]
      , testCase "BlockSensitive" $ assertEqual "#" 0 $
          countMatches $ s PCRE.*=~ [PCRE.reBlockSensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|]
      , testCase "BlockInsensitive" $ assertEqual "#" 1 $
          countMatches $ s PCRE.*=~ [PCRE.reBlockInsensitive|[0-9a-f]{2}$|]
    s = "0a\nbb\nFe\nA5" :: String

Exercising Our Many APIs

many_tests :: TestTree
many_tests = testGroup "Many Tests"
    [ testCase "PCRE a"               $ test_ (PCRE.*=~) (PCRE.?=~) (PCRE.=~) (PCRE.=~~) matchOnce matchMany makeSearchReplace id          re_pcre
    , testCase "PCRE ByteString"      $ test_ (P_BS.*=~) (P_BS.?=~) (P_BS.=~) (P_BS.=~~) matchOnce matchMany makeSearchReplace B.pack      re_pcre
    , testCase "PCRE ByteString.Lazy" $ test_ (PLBS.*=~) (PLBS.?=~) (PLBS.=~) (PLBS.=~~) matchOnce matchMany makeSearchReplace LBS.pack    re_pcre
    , testCase "PCRE Sequence"        $ test_ (P_SQ.*=~) (P_SQ.?=~) (P_SQ.=~) (P_SQ.=~~) matchOnce matchMany makeSearchReplace S.fromList  re_pcre
    , testCase "PCRE String"          $ test_ (P_ST.*=~) (P_ST.?=~) (P_ST.=~) (P_ST.=~~) matchOnce matchMany makeSearchReplace id          re_pcre
    , testCase "PCRE Text"            $ test_ (P_TX.*=~) (P_TX.?=~) (P_TX.=~) (P_TX.=~~) matchOnce matchMany makeSearchReplace T.pack      re_pcre
    , testCase "PCRE Text.Lazy"       $ test_ (PLTX.*=~) (PLTX.?=~) (PLTX.=~) (PLTX.=~~) matchOnce matchMany makeSearchReplace LT.pack     re_pcre
    , testCase "TDFA a"               $ test_ (TDFA.*=~) (TDFA.?=~) (TDFA.=~) (TDFA.=~~) matchOnce matchMany makeSearchReplace id          re_tdfa
    , testCase "TDFA ByteString"      $ test_ (T_BS.*=~) (T_BS.?=~) (T_BS.=~) (T_BS.=~~) matchOnce matchMany makeSearchReplace B.pack      re_tdfa
    , testCase "TDFA ByteString.Lazy" $ test_ (TLBS.*=~) (TLBS.?=~) (TLBS.=~) (TLBS.=~~) matchOnce matchMany makeSearchReplace LBS.pack    re_tdfa
    , testCase "TDFA Sequence"        $ test_ (T_SQ.*=~) (T_SQ.?=~) (T_SQ.=~) (T_SQ.=~~) matchOnce matchMany makeSearchReplace S.fromList  re_tdfa
    , testCase "TDFA String"          $ test_ (T_ST.*=~) (T_ST.?=~) (T_ST.=~) (T_ST.=~~) matchOnce matchMany makeSearchReplace id          re_tdfa
    , testCase "TDFA Text"            $ test_ (T_TX.*=~) (T_TX.?=~) (T_TX.=~) (T_TX.=~~) matchOnce matchMany makeSearchReplace T.pack      re_tdfa
    , testCase "TDFA Text.Lazy"       $ test_ (TLTX.*=~) (TLTX.?=~) (TLTX.=~) (TLTX.=~~) matchOnce matchMany makeSearchReplace LT.pack     re_tdfa
    test_ :: (IsRegex r s,Show s,Eq s)
          => (s->r->Matches s)
          -> (s->r->Match   s)
          -> (s->r->Matches s)
          -> (s->r->Maybe(Match s))
          -> (r->s->Match   s)
          -> (r->s->Matches s)
          -> (s->s->Maybe (SearchReplace r s))
          -> (String->s)
          -> r
          -> Assertion
    test_ (%*=~) (%?=~) (%=~) (%=~~) mo mm mk_sr0 inj r = do
        2         @=? countMatches mtchs
        Just txt' @=? matchedText  mtch
        mtchs     @=? mtchs'
        mb_mtch   @=? Just mtch
        mtch      @=? mtch''
        mtchs     @=? mtchs''
        txt''     @=? searchReplaceAll (mk_sr re_t tpl) txt
        mtchs   = txt %*=~ r
        mtch    = txt %?=~ r
        mtchs'  = txt %=~  r
        mb_mtch = txt %=~~ r
        mtch''  = mo r txt
        mtchs'' = mm r txt

        re_t    = inj re_s
        tpl     = inj "${d}/${m}/${y}"

        txt     = inj "2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05"
        txt'    = inj "2016-01-09"
        txt''   = inj "09/01/2016 2015-12-5 05/10/2015"

        mk_sr   = \r_ t_ -> maybe (error "agh") id $ mk_sr0 r_ t_

    re_pcre = fromMaybe oops $ PCRE.compileRegex "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}"
    re_tdfa = fromMaybe oops $ TDFA.compileRegex "[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}"

    re_s    = "${y}([0-9]{4})-${m}([0-9]{2})-${d}([0-9]{2})"

    oops    = error "many_tests"

Testing the RE Escape Functions

escape_tests :: TestTree
escape_tests = testGroup "Escape Tests"
    [ testGroup "PCRE"
        [ testCase  "Escaping empty string" $
            assertBool "empty string" $
              tst P_ST.escape (P_ST.?=~) ""
        , testCase  "Escaping RE metacharacters" $
            assertBool "metacharacters" $
              tst P_ST.escape (P_ST.?=~) metacharacters
        , localOption (SmallCheckDepth 6) $
            SC.testProperty "matched $ <s> ?=~ [re|^escape(<s>)$|]" $
              tst P_ST.escape (P_ST.?=~)
    , testGroup "TDFA"
        [ testCase  "Escaping empty string" $
            assertBool "empty string" $
              tst T_ST.escape (T_ST.?=~) ""
        , testCase  "Escaping RE metacharacters" $
            assertBool "metacharacters" $
              tst T_ST.escape (T_ST.?=~) metacharacters
        , localOption (SmallCheckDepth 6) $
            SC.testProperty "matched $ <s> ?=~ [re|^escape(<s>)$|]" $
              tst T_ST.escape (T_ST.?=~)
    tst :: ((String->String)->String->Maybe a)
        -> (String->a->Match String)
        -> String
        -> Bool
    tst esc0 (%=~) s = matched $ s %=~ esc s
        esc = un_maybe . esc0 (("^" ++) . (++ "$"))

    metacharacters :: String
    metacharacters = "^\\.|*+?()[]{}$"

Named Capture Tests

named_capture_tests :: TestTree
named_capture_tests = localOption (SmallCheckDepth 4) $
  testGroup "NamedCaptures"
    [ format_scan_tests
    , analyse_tokens_tests

instance Monad m => Serial m Token

format_scan_tests :: TestTree
format_scan_tests =
  testGroup "FormatToken/Scan Properties"
    [ localOption (SmallCheckDepth 4) $
        SC.testProperty "formatTokens == formatTokens0" $
          \tks -> formatTokens tks == formatTokens0 tks
    , localOption (SmallCheckDepth 4) $
        SC.testProperty "scan . formatTokens' idFormatTokenREOptions == id" $
          \tks -> all validToken tks ==>
                    scan (formatTokens' idFormatTokenREOptions tks) == tks

analyse_tokens_tests :: TestTree
analyse_tokens_tests =
  testGroup "Analysing [Token] Unit Tests"
    [ tc [here|foobar|]                                       []
    , tc [here||]                                             []
    , tc [here|$([0-9]{4})|]                                  []
    , tc [here|${x}()|]                                       [(1,"x")]
    , tc [here|${}()|]                                        []
    , tc [here|${}()${foo}()|]                                [(2,"foo")]
    , tc [here|${x}(${y()})|]                                 [(1,"x")]
    , tc [here|${x}(${y}())|]                                 [(1,"x"),(2,"y")]
    , tc [here|${a}(${b{}())|]                                [(1,"a")]
    , tc [here|${y}([0-9]{4})-${m}([0-9]{2})-${d}([0-9]{2})|] [(1,"y"),(2,"m"),(3,"d")]
    , tc [here|@$(@|\{${name}([^{}]+)\})|]                    [(2,"name")]
    , tc [here|${y}[0-9]{4}|]                                 []
    , tc [here|${}([0-9]{4})|]                                []
    tc s al =
      testCase s $ assertEqual "CaptureNames"
        (xnc s)
          [ (CaptureName $ T.pack n,CaptureOrdinal i)
              | (i,n)<-al

    xnc = either oops (snd . fst) . extractNamedCaptures
        oops = error "analyse_tokens_tests: unexpected parse failure"

AddCaptureNames Tests

add_capture_names_tests :: TestTree
add_capture_names_tests = testGroup "AddCaptureNames Tests"
    [ test_add_capture_name "Match   String"          test_match                    regex_str_match
    , test_add_capture_name "Matches String"          test_matches                  regex_str_matches
    , test_add_capture_name "Match   B.ByteString"    test_match   $ B.pack     <$> regex_str_match
    , test_add_capture_name "Matches B.ByteString"    test_matches $ B.pack     <$> regex_str_matches
    , test_add_capture_name "Match   LBS.ByteString"  test_match   $ LBS.pack   <$> regex_str_match
    , test_add_capture_name "Matches LBS.ByteString"  test_matches $ LBS.pack   <$> regex_str_matches
    , test_add_capture_name "Match   T.Text"          test_match   $ T.pack     <$> regex_str_match
    , test_add_capture_name "Matches T.Text"          test_matches $ T.pack     <$> regex_str_matches
    , test_add_capture_name "Match   LT.Text"         test_match   $ LT.pack    <$> regex_str_match
    , test_add_capture_name "Matches LT.Text"         test_matches $ LT.pack    <$> regex_str_matches
    , test_add_capture_name "Match   (Seq Char)"      test_match   $ S.fromList <$> regex_str_match
    , test_add_capture_name "Matches (Seq Char)"      test_matches $ S.fromList <$> regex_str_matches

test_matches :: CaptureNames -> Matches a -> Bool
test_matches cnms = all (test_match cnms) . allMatches

test_match :: CaptureNames -> Match a -> Bool
test_match cnms mtch = captureNames mtch == cnms

test_add_capture_name :: Typeable a
                      => String
                      -> (CaptureNames->a->Bool)
                      -> a
                      -> TestTree
test_add_capture_name lab tst x = testCase lab $
    assertBool lab $ tst cnms $ addCaptureNames cnms x
    cnms = HM.fromList
      [ (CaptureName "x",1)
      , (CaptureName "y",2)

The Find Tests

find_tests :: TestTree
find_tests = testGroup "Find Tests"
    [ testCase "examples/" $ do
        fps <- findMatches_ findMethods [re|^re-.*\.lhs|] "examples/"
        example_paths @=? filter (not . matched . (?=~ [re|master\.lhs|])) fps

example_paths :: [String]
example_paths =
  [ "examples/re-gen-cabals.lhs"
  , "examples/re-gen-modules.lhs"
  , "examples/re-include.lhs"
  , "examples/re-nginx-log-processor.lhs"
  , "examples/re-prep.lhs"
  , "examples/re-sort-imports.lhs"
  , "examples/re-tests.lhs"
  , "examples/re-top.lhs"
  , "examples/re-tutorial-options.lhs"
  , "examples/re-tutorial-replacing.lhs"
  , "examples/re-tutorial-testbench.lhs"
  , "examples/re-tutorial-tools.lhs"
  , "examples/re-tutorial.lhs"

findMethods :: FindMethods String
findMethods =
    { doesDirectoryExistDM = doesDirectoryExist
    , listDirectoryDM      = getDirectoryContents
    , combineDM            = (</>)

The Backslash Tests

backslash_tests :: TestTree
backslash_tests = testGroup "Backslash Tests"
  [ testGroup "PCRE"
      [ testCase "backslash-a"         $ "\ay" @=? "--foo\ay" P_TX.*=~/ [P_TX.edBlockSensitive|--[^\a]*///|]
      , testCase "backslash-b"         $ "\by" @=? "--foo\by" P_TX.*=~/ [P_TX.edBlockSensitive|--[^\b]*///|]
      , testCase "backslash-f"         $ "\fy" @=? "--foo\fy" P_TX.*=~/ [P_TX.edBlockSensitive|--[^\f]*///|]
      , testCase "backslash-n"         $ "\ny" @=? "--foo\ny" P_TX.*=~/ [P_TX.edBlockSensitive|--[^\n]*///|]
      , testCase "backslash-r"         $ "\ry" @=? "--foo\ry" P_TX.*=~/ [P_TX.edBlockSensitive|--[^\r]*///|]
      , testCase "backslash-t"         $ "\ty" @=? "--foo\ty" P_TX.*=~/ [P_TX.edBlockSensitive|--[^\t]*///|]
      , testCase "backslash-v"         $ "\vy" @=? "--foo\vy" P_TX.*=~/ [P_TX.edBlockSensitive|--[^\v]*///|]
      , testCase "backslash-$"         $ "$y"  @=? "--foo$y"  P_TX.*=~/ [P_TX.edBlockSensitive|--[^\$]*///|]
      , testCase "backslash-backslash" $ "\\y" @=? "--foo\\y" P_TX.*=~/ [P_TX.edBlockSensitive|--[^\\]*///|]
  , testGroup "TDFA"
      [ testCase "backslash-a"         $ "\ay" @=? "--foo\ay" T_TX.*=~/ [T_TX.edBlockSensitive|--[^\a]*///|]
      , testCase "backslash-b"         $ "\by" @=? "--foo\by" T_TX.*=~/ [T_TX.edBlockSensitive|--[^\b]*///|]
      , testCase "backslash-f"         $ "\fy" @=? "--foo\fy" T_TX.*=~/ [T_TX.edBlockSensitive|--[^\f]*///|]
      , testCase "backslash-n"         $ "\ny" @=? "--foo\ny" T_TX.*=~/ [T_TX.edBlockSensitive|--[^\n]*///|]
      , testCase "backslash-r"         $ "\ry" @=? "--foo\ry" T_TX.*=~/ [T_TX.edBlockSensitive|--[^\r]*///|]
      , testCase "backslash-t"         $ "\ty" @=? "--foo\ty" T_TX.*=~/ [T_TX.edBlockSensitive|--[^\t]*///|]
      , testCase "backslash-v"         $ "\vy" @=? "--foo\vy" T_TX.*=~/ [T_TX.edBlockSensitive|--[^\v]*///|]
      , testCase "backslash-$"         $ "$y"  @=? "--foo$y"  T_TX.*=~/ [T_TX.edBlockSensitive|--[^\$]*///|]
      , testCase "backslash-backslash" $ "\\y" @=? "--foo\\y" T_TX.*=~/ [T_TX.edBlockSensitive|--[^\\]*///|]

The Miscelaneous Tests

misc_tests :: TestTree
misc_tests = testGroup "Miscelaneous Tests"
    [ testGroup "CaptureID"
        [ testCase "CaptureID lookup failure" $ do
            ok <- isValidError $ unsafe_find_capture_id [cp|foo|] $ reCaptureNames [re|foo|]
            assertBool "failed" ok
    , testGroup "QQ"
        [ qq_tc "re"                      re
        , qq_tc "reMS"                    reMS
        , qq_tc "reMI"                    reMI
        , qq_tc "reBS"                    reBS
        , qq_tc "reBI"                    reBI
        , qq_tc "reMultilineSensitive"    reMultilineSensitive
        , qq_tc "reMultilineInsensitive"  reMultilineInsensitive
        , qq_tc "reBlockSensitive"        reBlockSensitive
        , qq_tc "reBlockInsensitive"      reBlockInsensitive
        , qq_tc "re_"                     re_
        , qq_tc "ed"                      ed
        , qq_tc "edMS"                    edMS
        , qq_tc "edMI"                    edMI
        , qq_tc "edBS"                    edBS
        , qq_tc "edBI"                    edBI
        , qq_tc "edMultilineSensitive"    edMultilineSensitive
        , qq_tc "edMultilineInsensitive"  edMultilineInsensitive
        , qq_tc "edBlockSensitive"        edBlockSensitive
        , qq_tc "edBlockInsensitive"      edBlockInsensitive
        , qq_tc "ed_"                     ed_
    , testGroup "PreludeMacros"
        [ valid_string "preludeMacroTable"    preludeMacroTable
        , valid_macro  "preludeMacroSummary"  preludeMacroSummary
        , valid_string "preludeMacroSources"  preludeMacroSources
        , valid_macro  "preludeMacroSource"   preludeMacroSource
    -- because HPC can't measure our testing of [re|..|] forms,
    -- we are eliminating them from our enquiries
    , testGroup "RE"
        [ valid_res TDFA.regexType
            [ TDFA.re
            , TDFA.reMS
            , TDFA.reMI
            , TDFA.reBS
            , TDFA.reBI
            , TDFA.reMultilineSensitive
            , TDFA.reMultilineInsensitive
            , TDFA.reBlockSensitive
            , TDFA.reBlockInsensitive
            , TDFA.re_
            , TDFA.ed
            , TDFA.edMS
            , TDFA.edMI
            , TDFA.edBS
            , TDFA.edBI
            , TDFA.edMultilineSensitive
            , TDFA.edMultilineInsensitive
            , TDFA.edBlockSensitive
            , TDFA.edBlockInsensitive
            , TDFA.ed_
        , testCase  "TDFA.regexType"           $ assertBool "TDFA" $ isTDFA TDFA.regexType
        , testCase  "TDFA.reOptions"           $ assert_empty_macs $ optionsMacs (TDFA.reOptions tdfa_re)
        , testCase  "TDFA.makeREOptions md"      $ assert_empty_macs $ optionsMacs tdfa_opts
        , testCase  "TDFA.preludeTestsFailing" $ []      @=? TDFA.preludeTestsFailing
        , ne_string "TDFA.preludeTable"          TDFA.preludeTable
        , ne_string "TDFA.preludeSources"        TDFA.preludeSources
        , testGroup "TDFA.preludeSummary"
            [ ne_string (presentPreludeMacro pm) $ TDFA.preludeSummary pm
                | pm <- tdfa_prelude_macros
        , testGroup  "TDFA.preludeSource"
            [ ne_string (presentPreludeMacro pm) $ TDFA.preludeSource  pm
                | pm <- tdfa_prelude_macros
    -- because HPC can't measure our testing of [re|..|] forms,
    -- we are eliminating them from our enquiries
        , valid_res PCRE.regexType
            [ PCRE.re
            , PCRE.reMS
            , PCRE.reMI
            , PCRE.reBS
            , PCRE.reBI
            , PCRE.reMultilineSensitive
            , PCRE.reMultilineInsensitive
            , PCRE.reBlockSensitive
            , PCRE.reBlockInsensitive
            , PCRE.re_
            , PCRE.ed
            , PCRE.edMS
            , PCRE.edMI
            , PCRE.edBS
            , PCRE.edBI
            , PCRE.edMultilineSensitive
            , PCRE.edMultilineInsensitive
            , PCRE.edBlockSensitive
            , PCRE.edBlockInsensitive
            , PCRE.ed_
        , testCase  "PCRE.regexType"           $ assertBool "PCRE" $ isPCRE PCRE.regexType
        , testCase  "PCRE.reOptions"           $ assert_empty_macs $ optionsMacs (PCRE.reOptions pcre_re)
        , testCase  "PCRE.makeREOptions md"      $ assert_empty_macs $ optionsMacs pcre_opts
        , testCase  "PCRE.preludeTestsFailing" $ []      @=? PCRE.preludeTestsFailing
        , ne_string "PCRE.preludeTable"          PCRE.preludeTable
        , ne_string "PCRE.preludeTable"          PCRE.preludeSources
        , testGroup "PCRE.preludeSummary"
            [ ne_string (presentPreludeMacro pm) $ PCRE.preludeSummary pm
                | pm <- pcre_prelude_macros
        , testGroup "PCRE.preludeSource"
            [ ne_string (presentPreludeMacro pm) $ PCRE.preludeSource  pm
                | pm <- pcre_prelude_macros
    tdfa_re   = fromMaybe oops $ TDFA.compileRegexWithOptions tdfa_opts ".*"
    pcre_re   = fromMaybe oops $ PCRE.compileRegexWithOptions pcre_opts ".*"

    tdfa_opts = TDFA.makeREOptions no_macs_t :: REOptions_ TDFA.RE TDFA_.CompOption TDFA_.ExecOption
    pcre_opts = PCRE.makeREOptions no_macs_p :: REOptions_ PCRE.RE PCRE_.CompOption PCRE_.ExecOption

    no_macs_t = HM.fromList [] :: Macros TDFA.RE
    no_macs_p = HM.fromList [] :: Macros PCRE.RE

    oops      = error "misc_tests"

    assert_empty_macs = assertBool "macros not empty" . HM.null

qq_tc :: String -> QuasiQuoter -> TestTree
qq_tc lab qq = testCase lab $ quoteExp qq `seq` assertBool "qq_tc" True

valid_macro :: String -> (RegexType->PreludeMacro->String) -> TestTree
valid_macro label f = testGroup label
    [ valid_string (presentPreludeMacro pm) (flip f pm)
        | pm<-[minBound..maxBound]

valid_string :: String -> (RegexType->String) -> TestTree
valid_string label f = testGroup label
    [ ne_string (presentRegexType rty) $ f rty
        | rty<-[TDFA.regexType] -- until PCRE has a binding for all macros

ne_string :: String -> String -> TestTree
ne_string label s =
  testCase label $ assertBool "non-empty string" $ length s > 0

-- just evaluating quasi quoters to HNF for now -- they
-- being tested everywhere [re|...|] (etc.) calculations
-- are bings used but HPC isn't measuring this
valid_res :: RegexType -> [QuasiQuoter] -> TestTree
valid_res rty = testCase (show rty) . foldr seq (return ())

pcre_prelude_macros :: [PreludeMacro]
pcre_prelude_macros = filter (/= PM_string) [minBound..maxBound]

tdfa_prelude_macros :: [PreludeMacro]
tdfa_prelude_macros = [minBound..maxBound]

s_toList :: S.Seq Char -> [Char]
s_toList = F.toList

newtype Identity a = Identity { runIdentity :: a }
  deriving (Functor)

instance Applicative Identity where
  pure = Identity
  (<*>) (Identity f) (Identity x) = Identity $ f x

instance Monad Identity where
  return = Identity
  (>>=) (Identity x) f = f x

isValidError :: a -> IO Bool
isValidError x = catch (x `seq` return False) hdl
    hdl :: SomeException -> IO Bool
    hdl se = return $ (length $ show se) `seq` True

unsafe_find_capture_id :: CaptureID -> CaptureNames -> CaptureOrdinal
unsafe_find_capture_id cid = either error id . findCaptureID cid

un_maybe :: Maybe a -> a
un_maybe = maybe (error "urk") id