
The regex Test-Bench Tutorial

Language Options and Imports

This tutorial is a literate Haskell program whwre we start by specifying the language pragmas and imports we will need for this module.

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts                 #-}
import           Data.Functor.Identity
import qualified Data.HashMap.Lazy                        as HML
import           Text.RE.REOptions
import qualified Text.RE.TDFA                             as TDFA
import           Text.RE.TDFA.String
import           Text.RE.TestBench

Macros and Parsers

regex supports macros in regular expressions. There are a bunch of standard macros and you can define your own.

RE macros are enclosed in @{ … ‘}’. By convention the macros in the standard environment start with a ‘%’. @{%date} will match an ISO 8601 date, this
ghci> countMatches $ "2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05" *=~ [re|@{%date}|]

picking out the two dates.

See the tables listing the standard macros in the tables folder of the distribution.

See the log-processor example and the Text.RE.TestBench for more on how you can develop, document and test RE macros with the regex test bench.

Adding the Epsilon Macro

You can use the regex test bench to add you own macros. As a simple example we will add an ‘epsilon’ macro to the standard ‘prelude’ macro environment. (See the re-nginx-log-processor for a more extensive example of macro environments.)

The @{epsilon} macro will expand to a RE that matches only the empty string:


(A use such a seemingly useless RE macro will become apparent in the test example below.)

Firstly we define a two argument function function to create a MacroDescriptor from:

  1. the MacroEnv macro environment argument will be used to compile the macro RE (we don’t need it in this instance, of course, but we are following a general recipe);

  2. the macroId name of the macro (which is passed into us because the calling context need the name of the macro).

epsilon_macro :: MacroEnv -> MacroID -> MacroDescriptor
epsilon_macro env mid =
  runTests TDFA.regexType Just samples env mid
      { macroSource          = RegexSource ".{0}" -- the RE to be substituted for the macro
      , macroSamples         = map fst samples    -- list of string that should match the above macro RE
      , macroCounterSamples = counter_samples     -- list of string that should **not** match the above macro RE
      , macroTestResults    = []                  -- for bookkeeping
      , macroParser          = Nothing            -- no parser needed for this one!
      , macroDescription     = "an epsilon parser, matching the empty string only"
    samples :: [(String,String)]
    samples =
        [ dup ""
        dup x = (x,x)

    counter_samples =
        [ "not an empty string"

The compiled Macros RE that we will slot into the REOptions used to compile the RE is constructed in two steps. Firstly we provide a function that takes the @MacroEnv@ that all of the macros will use to build their REs and returns the augmented MacroEnv with the new macro definitions.

This MacroEnv is generic and not dependent upon any back end — none of the macros have been compiled.
my_env :: MacroEnv -> MacroEnv
my_env env0 = env
    env = env0 `HML.union` HML.fromList
      [ f "epsilon" epsilon_macro

    f nm mk = (mid, mk env mid)
        mid = MacroID nm
From the MacroEnv we compile the macros into a Macros RE macro table that we can insert into an REOptions that can be used to compile REs in the application.
my_macros :: Macros RE
my_macros = runIdentity $ mkMacros mk TDFA.regexType ExclCaptures $ my_env TDFA.preludeEnv
    mk   = maybe oops Identity . TDFA.compileRegexWithOptions TDFA.noPreludeREOptions

    oops = error "my_macros: unexpected RE compilation error"

The makeREOptions function can be used to construct an REOptions for compiling REs with [re_| ... |] and [ed_| ... /// ... |] quasi quoters.

myOptions :: TDFA.REOptions
myOptions = TDFA.makeREOptions my_macros

Now we can try out the @{epsilon} macro, using it to match nothing!

ghci> matched $ "///" ?=~ [re_|^//@{epsilon}/$|] myOptions

Why would we we want to match nothing? To break up three ‘/’ in the RE part of a [ed_| ... /// ... |] SearchReplace template.

ghci> "a <///> replacement example" *=~/ [ed_|<//@{epsilon}/>///<three slashes>|] myOptions
"a <three slashes> replacement example"

For a more extensive example of macro environments see the re-nginx-log-processor