
The Regex Tools Tutorial

Language Options and Imports

This tutorial is a literate Haskell program whwre we start by specifying the language pragmas and imports we will need for this module.

{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes                      #-}
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8               as LBS
import           Data.List
import           Text.RE.Replace
import           Text.RE.TDFA.String
import           Text.RE.Tools

IsRegex, PCRE and TDFA

The IsRegex re tx provides regex methods for the RE type re (belonging to either the TDFA or PCRE back end) and a text type tx that the re back end accepts. The Text.RE.TDFA and Text.RE.PCRE API modules provide functions that work over all the text types, with the following match operators:

(*=~)  :: IsRegex RE s
       => s
       -> RE
       -> Matches s

(?=~)  :: IsRegex RE s
       => s
       -> RE
       -> Match s

(*=~/) :: IsRegex RE s => s -> SearchReplace RE s -> s

(?=~/) :: IsRegex RE s => s -> SearchReplace RE s -> s

General IsRegex Functions

The IsRegex class is located in Text.RE.Tools.IsRegex:

-- | the 'IsRegex' class allows polymorhic tools to be written that
-- will work with a variety of regex back ends and text types
class Replace s => IsRegex re s where
  -- | finding the first match
  matchOnce             :: re -> s -> Match s
  -- | finding all matches
  matchMany             :: re -> s -> Matches s
  -- | compiling an RE, failing if the RE is not well formed
  makeRegex             :: (Functor m,Monad m, MonadFail m) => s -> m re
  -- | comiling an RE, specifying the 'SimpleREOptions'
  makeRegexWith         :: (Functor m,Monad m, MonadFail m) => SimpleREOptions -> s -> m re
  -- | compiling a 'SearchReplace' template from the RE text and the template Text, failing if they are not well formed
  makeSearchReplace     :: (Functor m,Monad m, MonadFail m,IsRegex re s) => s -> s -> m (SearchReplace re s)
  -- | compiling a 'SearchReplace' template specifing the 'SimpleREOptions' for the RE
  makeSearchReplaceWith :: (Functor m,Monad m, MonadFail m,IsRegex re s) => SimpleREOptions -> s -> s -> m (SearchReplace re s)
  -- | incorporate an escaped string into a compiled RE with the default options
  makeEscaped           :: (Functor m,Monad m, MonadFail m) => (s->s) -> s -> m re
  -- | incorporate an escaped string into a compiled RE with the specified 'SimpleREOptions'
  makeEscapedWith       :: (Functor m,Monad m, MonadFail m) => SimpleREOptions -> (s->s) -> s -> m re
  -- | extract the text of the RE from the RE
  regexSource           :: re -> s

  makeRegex           = makeRegexWith         minBound
  makeSearchReplace   = makeSearchReplaceWith minBound
  makeEscaped         = makeEscapedWith       minBound
  makeEscapedWith o f = makeRegexWith o . f . packR . escapeREString . unpackR
Using these functions you can write your own regex tools. As a trivial example we will define fully overloaded regex match operators as follows.
(?=~%) :: IsRegex re s => s -> re -> Match s
(?=~%) = flip matchOnce

(*=~%) :: IsRegex re s => s -> re -> Matches s
(*=~%) = flip matchMany
ghci> matched $ (LBS.pack "2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05") ?=~% [re|[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}|]
ghci> countMatches $ (LBS.pack "2016-01-09 2015-12-5 2015-10-05") *=~% [re|[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}|]

regex provides some classic tools that have quickly proven themselves in the examples and scripts used to maintain regex itself.

The regex Tools

The classic tools assocciated with regular expressions have inspired some regex conterparts.

These tools are built on top of the core library and act as good examples of how to use the regex library as well as useful tools.

The following sections will present some of the internal library code used to build the tools as well as some code from the example programs. These fragments work best as starting points for studying these tools.

Sed and Edit

Edits scripts are applied to each line of the text by the sed functions.

-- | an 'Edits' script will, for each line in the file, either perform
-- the action selected by the first RE in the list, or perform all of the
-- actions on line, arranged as a pipeline
data Edits m re s
  = Select ![Edit m re s]   -- ^ for each line select the first @Edit@ to match each line and edit the line with it
  | Pipe   ![Edit m re s]   -- ^ for each line apply every edit that matches in turn to the line

-- | each Edit action specifies how the match should be processed
data Edit m re s
  = Template !(SearchReplace re s)
        -- ^ replace the match with this template text, substituting ${capture} as apropriate
  | Function !re REContext !(LineNo->Match s->RELocation->Capture s->m (Maybe s))
        -- ^ use this function to replace the 'REContext' specified captures in each line matched
  | LineEdit !re           !(LineNo->Matches s->m (LineEdit s))
        -- ^ use this function to edit each line matched

-- | a LineEdit is the most general action thar can be performed on a line
-- and is the only means of deleting a line
data LineEdit s
  = NoEdit                  -- ^ do not edit this line but leave as is
  | ReplaceWith !s          -- ^ replace the line with this text (terminating newline should not be included)
  | Delete                  -- ^ delete the this line altogether
  deriving (Functor,Show)

sed' applies the script in its first argument to each line in the text in its second argument.

-- | apply an 'Edits' script to each line of the argument text
sed' :: (IsRegex re a,Monad m,Functor m)
     => Edits m re a
     -> a
     -> m a
sed' escr t = do
  mconcat <$> sequence
    [ applyEdits lno escr s
        | (lno,s)<-zip [firstLine..] $ linesR t

The sed' function is used to build the include processor in the TestKit utility modules used by the example scripts and programs. To filter lines to exclude the grepFilter function is used.

-- | this function looks for lines of the form
--    `%include <file> [exclude <RE>]`
-- and replaces them with the contents of the named file, optionally
-- excluding any lines that match the given RE.
include :: LBS.ByteString -> IO LBS.ByteString
include = sed' $ Select
    [ Function [re|^%include ${file}(@{%string})$|]                              TOP incl
    , Function [re|^%include ${file}(@{%string}) *exclude *${rex}(@{%string})$|] TOP incl
    , Function [re|^.*$|]                                                        TOP nop
    incl _ mtch _ _ = include' mtch
    nop  _ _    _ _ = return Nothing

-- | processes the match from a '%include' line, analyses the match,
-- fetches the file, optionally excludes lines specified by an RE,
-- returning the text to include.
include' :: Match LBS.ByteString -> IO (Maybe LBS.ByteString)
include' mtch = do
    ftr <- case prs_s <$> mtch !$$? [cp|rex|] of
      Nothing     -> return id
      Just re_lbs -> excl <$> makeRegex re_lbs
    Just . ftr <$> LBS.readFile (prs_s $ mtch !$$ [cp|file|])
    excl :: RE -> LBS.ByteString -> LBS.ByteString
    excl rex =
        LBS.unlines . map (matchesSource . getLineMatches)
          . filter (not . anyMatches . getLineMatches)
          . grepFilter rex

    prs_s  = maybe (error "include'") T.unpack . parseString


The grepFilter function takes an RE and a text and returns the result of matching the RE to every line in the file.

-- | returns a 'Line' for each line in the argument text, enumerating
-- all of the matches for that line
grepFilter :: IsRegex re s => re -> s -> [Line s]
grepFilter rex = grepWithScript [(rex,mk)] . linesR
    mk i mtchs = Just $ Line i mtchs
-- | 'grepLines' returns a 'Line' for each line in the file, listing all
-- of the 'Matches' for that line
data Line s =
    { getLineNumber  :: LineNo    -- ^ the 'LineNo' for this line
    , getLineMatches :: Matches s -- ^ all the 'Matches' of the RE on this line
  deriving (Show)

The sortImports utility in the TestKit utility module used by the scripts and example programs. It uses grep to sort all of the imports by the name of the module in a single block located at the position of the first import statement in the module, where each import statement is in a standard form matched by the regex

[re|^import +(qualified|         ) ${mod}([^ ].*)$|]
We have reproduced sortImports under the name sortImports_ here.
sortImports_ :: LBS.ByteString -> LBS.ByteString
sortImports_ lbs =
    LBS.unlines $ map (matchesSource . getLineMatches) $
      hdr ++ sortBy cMp bdy
    cMp ln1 ln2 = case (extr ln1,extr ln2) of
        (Nothing,Nothing) -> EQ
        (Nothing,Just _ ) -> GT
        (Just _ ,Nothing) -> LT
        (Just x ,Just  y) -> compare x y

    extr ln = case allMatches $ getLineMatches ln of
      mtch:_  -> mtch !$$? [cp|mod|]
      _       -> Nothing

    (hdr,bdy) = span (not . anyMatches . getLineMatches) lns
    lns       = grepFilter rex lbs
    rex       = [re|^import +(qualified )? *${mod}([^ ].*)$|]
ghci> sortImports_ $ LBS.pack "-- preamble\nimport qualified Data.Text as T\nimport Data.List\n-- done\n"
"-- preamble\nimport Data.List\nimport qualified Data.Text as T\n-- done\n"


The Lex toolkit can be used for quickly knocking together scanners that do not need to be efficient.

-- | a simple regex-based scanner interpretter for prototyping
-- scanners
alex :: IsRegex re s => [(re,Match s->Maybe t)] -> t -> s -> [t]
alex = alex' matchOnce

-- | a higher order version of 'alex' parameterised over the @matchOnce@
-- function
alex' :: Replace s
      => (re->s->Match s)
      -> [(re,Match s->Maybe t)]
      -> t
      -> s
      -> [t]
alex' mo al t_err = loop
    loop s = case lengthR s == 0 of
      True  -> []
      False -> choose al s

    choose []           _ = [t_err]
    choose ((re,f):al') s = case mb_p of
        Just (s',t) -> t : loop s'
        _           -> choose al' s
        mb_p = do
          cap <- matchCapture mtch
          case captureOffset cap == 0 of
            True  -> (,) (captureSuffix cap) <$> f mtch
            False -> Nothing

        mtch = mo re s

It has been used in the library to scan REs so that the captures can be picked out, numbered and that number associated with a name where one has been given.

-- | scan a RE string into a list of RE Token
scan :: String -> [Token]
scan = alex' match al $ oops "top"
    al :: [(Regex,Match String->Maybe Token)]
    al =
      [ mk "\\$\\{([^{}]+)\\}\\(" $         ECap . Just . x_1
      , mk "\\$\\("               $ const $ ECap Nothing
      , mk "\\(\\?:"              $ const   PGrp
      , mk "\\(\\?"               $ const   PCap
      , mk "\\("                  $ const   Bra
      , mk "\\\\(.)"              $         BS    . s2c . x_1
      , mk "(.|\n)"               $         Other . s2c . x_1

    x_1     = captureText $ IsCaptureOrdinal $ CaptureOrdinal 1

    s2c [c] = c
    s2c _   = oops "s2c"

    mk s f  = (poss error id $ makeRegexM s,Just . f)

    oops  m = error $ "NamedCaptures.scan: " ++ m


The findMatches_ function lists all of the files in a directort tree that match an RE.

-- | recursively list all files whose filename matches given RE,
-- sorting the list into ascending order; if the argument path has a
-- trailing '/' then it will be removed
findMatches_ :: IsRegex re s => FindMethods s -> re -> s -> IO [s]
findMatches_ fm = findMatches_' fm L.sort matched

-- | recursively list all files whose filename matches given RE,
-- using the given function to determine which matches to accept
findMatches_' :: IsRegex re s
              => FindMethods s         -- ^ the directory and filepath methods
              -> ([s]->[s])            -- ^ result post-processing function
              -> (Match s->Bool)       -- ^ filtering function
              -> re                    -- ^ re to be matched against the leaf filename
              -> s                     -- ^ root directory of the search
              -> IO [s]
findMatches_' fm srt tst re fp = srt <$> find_ fm tst re (packR "") fp

find_ :: IsRegex re s
      => FindMethods s
      -> (Match s->Bool)
      -> re
      -> s
      -> s
      -> IO [s]
find_ fm@FindMethods{..} tst re fn fp = do
  is_dir <- doesDirectoryExistDM fp
  case is_dir of
    True  -> do
      fns <- filter ordinary <$> listDirectoryDM fp
      concat <$>
        mapM (uncurry $ find_ fm tst re) [ (fn_,abs_path fn_) | fn_<-fns ]
    False -> return [ fp | lengthR fp /= 0 && tst (matchOnce re fn) ]
    abs_path fn_ = fp `combineDM` fn_
    ordinary fn_ = not $ fn_ `elem` [packR ".",packR ".."]

It is used by the re-sort-imports program to discover all of the Haskell scripts in the regex source tree and sort their import statements into a standard order (ultimately using the above-mentioned sortImport function).

sort_r :: Mode -> FilePath -> IO ()
sort_r md root = findMatches_ fm [re|\.l?hs|] root >>= sort_these md root
    fm = FindMethods
      { doesDirectoryExistDM = doesDirectoryExist
      , listDirectoryDM      = getDirectoryContents
      , combineDM            = (</>)